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I. Muebles tapizados / Upholstered Furniture
A. Sofás / Sofas
Otros Sofas
Loveseat 471Existencia 1 Fabric Notion Odyssey C7 66" w X 35" d X 31" h Price $ 1,533. USD each | Daybed 501Existencia 1 Fabric: Merit Pearl C13 87“W x 39”D x 30“H Price $1,968. U.S.D. | Sofa 104Existencia 1 Fabric: Merit Pearl C12 91“W x 38“D x 30“H Price $2,595. U.S.D. |
Slipcover / Fundapara Sofá P104 Fabric Atenas Vainilla Only slipcover Price $1,278. USD + sofa price $ 2,595. | Option skirted sofaFor any 324 sofa model Fabric Sanzio 86" w x 38" d x 30” h $2,694. USD | 104 Sofá DBExistencia SOLD Fabric: Dover Brindle C14 91“W x 38“D x 30“H Price $2,595. U.S.D. |
324 SofaExistencia SOLD Fabric Gypsy Taupe C14 86" x 38" x 30" h Price $ 2,594 USD each one | Estate Sofa 590Existencia SOLD Fabric Merit Peacock C14 88“W x 38”D x 30“H Price $2,040. U.S.D. | 104 Estate SofaExistencia SOLD Fabric: Merit Pearl C14 101“W x 38“D x 30“H Price $2,828. U.S.D. |
Daybed 501 DBExistencia SOLD Fabric: Dover Brindle C14 87“W x 39”D x 30“H Price $1,968. U.S.D. | Sofa 762Existencia SOLD Fabric: Merit Peacock C13 91“W x 42”D x 32“H Price $2,349. U.S.D. | 104 LoveseatExistencia SOLD Fabric: Dover Brindle C14 70“W x 38”D x 30“H Price $2,395. U.S.D. |
Loveseat 922Existencia SOLD Fabric Belfast Linen 66" w X 42" d X 36" h Price $ 1,780. USD each | Estate Sofa 590Existencia Sold Fabric 88“W x 38”D x 30“H Price $2,040. U.S.D. | 324 Condo SofaExistencia Sold Fabric: Hepburn Pottery C13 76“W x 38”D x 30“H Price $2,120. U.S.D. |
Sofa 983Existencia SOLD Fabric: 83 " w x 45" d x 30" h Price $ 2,110. USD each | Armless Condo Sofa 104Existencia SOLD Fabric: Merit Pearl 63“W x 38”D x 30“H Price $1,239. U.S.D. |
Seccionales / Sectionals
B. Seccional / Sectionals
Sectional 104 en 2 pzExistencia SOLD Fabric Merti Pearl C14 97" x 97" x 30" h Precio $ 3,940. USD | Seccional 104 en 4 pz RAF ChaseExistencia SOLD Fabric Montera White Sand C14 (76" x 139" x 65") x 30 h" Precio $ 4,442. USD | 590 Sectional en 3 pz.Existencia SOLD Fabric Dover Brindle C14 104" x 104" x 30 h" Precio $ 4,020. USD |
Sectional 871 LAF Lovesat and armless chaiseExistencia SOLD Fabric Notion Chex L/Facing Loveseat 50"x38"x32" S/Armless Chaise 39"x64"x32" Precio $ 2,310. USD | Sectional 242Existencia SOLD Fabric Caprice Hemp Medidas/Size: Left Chaise #L 111" w x 48" d x 33" h Right Chaise #R 111" w x 48" d x 33" h $ 3,240. USD each | Sectional 772 RAF condo sofa LAF chaiseExistencia SOLD Fabric Notion Cream Puff 114" x 65" x 31" Price $ 3,503. USD |
Sectional 983Existencia SOLD Fabric: Zenith Natural Left 78" w x 45" d x 30" h Corner Unit 45"w x 45"d x 30"h Right 78" w x 45" d x 30" h Price: $ 3,820. USD |
C. Sillones / Uphostered Chairs
More Chairs
750 ZNExistencia 1 Fabric Zenith Natural C10 35" w x 35" d x 42" h Price: $1,180. USD | 750Existencia 2 Fabric: Gypsy Taupe C14 35" w x 35" d x 42" h Price: $1,480. USD | 750Existencia Agotado Fabric: Gypsy Sage C14 35" w x 35" d x 42" h Price: $1,480. USD |
750 Wing ChairExistencia 1 Fabric: Merit Pearl C14 35”W x 35”D x 42”H Price $1,480. U.S.D. | 354 VZExistencias SOLD Fabric Vive Zest C13 31" w x 32" d x 37" h Price $ 1,380. USD each | 912 MPExistencia 2 Gypsy sunset C13 34" w x 37" d x 34" h Price $ 1,176. USD each |
104BAExistencia 2 Fabric: Bella Aubergine C11 28”W x 30”D x 30”H Price $960. U.S.D. | 104 SDExistencia 2 Fabric: Sweater Desert C13 45" w x 38" d x 30" h Price $ 1,480. USD each | 104 MPExistencias SOLD Fabric Merit Pearl C13 45" w x 38" d x 30" h Price $ 1,480. USD each |
912 GSExistencia AGOTADO Gypsy sage 34" w x 37" d x 34" h Price $ 1,176. USD each | Swivel Chair 314Existencia SOLD 1 Fabric Merit Pearl C12 34" w x 37" d x 34" h Price $ 1,560. USD each | Arm Chair 834Existencia: AGOTADO Fabric Sanzio 02 Lino 31" x 36" x 37" h Price: 1,295 USD pair |
704 accent chairExistencias SOLD Fabric Dover Brindle C14 31" w x 35" d x 37" h Price $ 1,380. USD each | 104 GTExistencias SOLD Fabric Gypsy Taupe C13 45" w x 38" d x 30" h Price $ 1,480. USD each | 214 CHExistencia SOLD Fabric: Caprice Hemp 32”W x 32”D x 33”H Price $1,360. U.S.D. |
441 BIExistencia AGOTADO Fabric: Bennett Indigo 31”W x 31”D x 34”H Price $1,160. U.S.D. | Wing Chair 590Existencia AGOTADO Fabric Caprice Hemp 35" w x 35" d x 45" h Price $1,420. USD each | Arm Chair 354Existencias AGOTADO Fabric Belfast Linen 31" w x 32" d x 37" h Price $ 1,380. USD each |
441NBExistencia AGOTADO Fabric: Naxos Brick 31”W x 31”D x 34”H Price $1,160. U.S.D. | Chair 782Existencia: SOLD Fabric Caprice Java 38" w x 34" d x40" h Price $1,033. USD each | Chair 782Existencia: AGOTADO Fabric Naxos Brick 38" w x 34" d x40" h Price $1,033. USD each |
Chair and OttomanChair and Ottoman Existencia AGOTADO 35" w x 35" d x 42" h Price: $1,300. USD | Chair 234Existencia AGOTADO Fabric Level Rust 36”W x 34”D x 33”H Price $1,176. U.S.D. | Arm Chair 782Existencias SOLD Fabric Bella Aubergine 38" w x 34" d x 40" h Price $ 1,033. USD |
214 GAExistencia SOLD Fabric: Gypsy Arrow 32”W x 32”D x 33”H Price $1,360. U.S.D. | 331 MWSExistencia AGOTADO Fabric Montera White Sand 47" w x 66" d x 30" h Price $ 1,600 USD | 314 GSExistencia SOLD Gypsy Sunset 34" w x 37" d x 34" h Price $ 1460 USD each |
782GChExistencias AGOTADO Fabric Gypsy chocolate 38" w x 34" d x 40" h Price $ 1,033. USD | Arm Chair 834Existencias AGOTADO Fabric Devon Camel C8 31" w x 36" d x 37" h Price $ 1,295. USD each | 912 HPExistencia AGOTADO Hepburn Pottery 34" w x 37" d x 34" h Price $ 1,176. USD each |
104 NBExistencia AGOTADO Fabric: Naxos Brick 28”W x 30”D x 30”H Price $960. U.S.D. | 782 MPExistencias AGOTADO Fabric Merit peacock 38" w x 34" d x 40" h Price $ 1,033. USD | 104 LRExistencia AGOTADO Fabric Level Rust 28" w x 38" d x 30" h Price $ 920. USD each |
Belfast Linen
Caprice hemp
Devon camel
Dover Brindle
Dover Natural
Edward Porcelain
Gypsy Arrow
Gypsy chocolate
Gypsy sage
Gypsy sunset
Gypsy taupe
Hepburn pottery
Level Rust
Merit pearl
Merit peacock
Montera Whitesand
Naxos Brick
Notion Creampuff
Notion chex
Notion gunmetal
Notion odyssey
Sweater desert
Zenith Natural
D. Otras piezas / Occasional pieces
Other pices
Taburete 1 of a kindExistencia 1 Fabric Besel Nat 20" w x 30" d x 17" h Price: $580. USD | OttomanExistencia 1 Fabric Marit Pearl C12 27" w x 22" d x 16" h Price $712 USD | Taburete 050Existencia SOLD Fabric Marit Pearl C12 y 38" w x 26" d x 17" h Price $788 USD each |
Ottoman 354AGOTADO Fabric : Notion Cream Puff 61" w x 26" d x 18" h Precio $ 1,208. USD | Headboard 167Existencias 1 Fabric : Notion Cream Puff 46" w x 4" d x 55" h Precio $ 780. USD | Headboard 557Existencias 1 Fabric : Notion Cream Puff C10 46" w x 4" d x 53" h Precio $ 780. USD |
Queen Headboard 167Existencias AGOTADO Fabric : Notion Cream Puff 67" w X 4" d X 55" h Precio $ 1,120. USD |
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